Bloody Lisianthus


20'' x 14'' x 8''

Medium: expired meat, flowers(Lisianthus, Amaranth, and Kangaroo Paw), food dye

Duration: 24 hours (12:01 am to 11:59 pm on 01/01/2020)

Location: New York

Origin of Materials: China, USA, Ecuador, Australia, Mexico

Description: The label Alien dehumanizes the human rights immigrants deserve. American politics use that label to reject our livelihood. Using foreign-produced flowers as a metaphor, we often don't register flowers as a living thing but as human's emotional commodities. I bring attention to the livelihood of flowers by allowing the white Lisianthus to change their colors by absorbing the red color dye as if it sucks the blood out of the meat. The white Lisianthus flowers turned pink and purple. The veins of the pedals are revealed by the dye. The visibility of the veins humanizes the flowers.